With thousands and thousands of employees working in many companies around the world, the need for an efficient organizational system or programs is vital.
There are many companies offering time management solutions that replace paper-based calculations. The monitoring of employee work hours for the entire organization and the control of various important statistics, such as accrued benefits, can now be electronically calculated.
However, many employees resent the introduction of these systems – replacing old habits is even harder than replacing software or paper-based timekeeping methods!
Benefits of using a Time-and-Attendance Management System
Think of a time sheet or an employee card-based attendance system found in most organizations… the objective is to determine the attendance and time spent at work for each employee.
By harnessing the speed of computers, hours worked by the staff are quickly and accurately calculated and time sheets effortlessly generated. Anomaly reports such as days absent, late coming and abuse of paid breaks can be easily programmed into the calculations.
Reliable and Easy to Use
Our in-house time-and-attendance software – *Clockwatch* – has evolved over more than ten years. On-going feedback from some of the hundreds of users is incorporated and applied to refine and constantly improve our software – giving you the best value for your money.
Easy to Upload into most Payroll Systems
After time sheets have been generated, the hours worked are ready to be imported into your Payroll program. *Clockwatch* seamlessly integrate with “Brilliant”, “Softline Pastel”, “VIP”, “Paymaster”, “Payslip”, “Q-Data”, “Easipay”, “Accsys”, “Paywise”, and many others that are continually being offered in the market place.
No Irregularities
Clocking data is stored on your computer. All changes are highlighted on the time sheets for you and your employees to check. Any irregularity is matched exactly to the employee or software administrator through unique identifying methods (e.g. fingerprint or bar-coded cards).
Accurate Calculation
*Clockwatch* software accurately calculates every addition or change to an employee’s time sheet – for every day, week or month – whenever your company rules and work parameters are changed or compromised.
Time-sheets are easily comprehended by employees and administrative staff. Salary payments are accurately imported into your payroll package and can be compared to the employees’ time sheets should there be a query.
Employees are happy that they are being paid for the actual hours worked and companies are happy that hours worked are accurately calculated and no employee will be short- or over-paid.